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Data Survey Report - Cook County Department of Corrections CIMIS Data Project

NCJ Number
J R Coldren Jr; B Serxner
Date Published
85 pages
This report analyzes the Correctional Institution Management Information System, (CIMIS) containing inmate data, of the Cook Department of Corrections (CCDOC) in Illinois in terms of data base accuracy, completeness, and scope.
CIMIS supports inmate management tasks at CCDOC by providing immediate access to inmate information and by recording and reporting inmates' movements, locations, and scheduled events. CIMIS is a modular system of independent, inmate-based transactions, all connected to a common, on-line data base accessible to administrators and corrections officers. Speed and flexibility characterize CIMIS. CIMIS survey methodology involved on-site observations, interviews with users, and data base analysis in terms of scope, completeness, and accuracy. CCDOC should take steps to ensure that medical information is entered into CIMIS. CCDOC and court personnel should collaborate on the development of new forms that provide for clear and consistent entry of court event elements. The data entry process at intake should be changed so that data are entered directly into CIMIS terminals and history cards are generated by the computer after the intake process is complete. Charts, 25 tables, and a glossary are included; forms and data element information are appended.