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Data Services Division Overview

NCJ Number
Date Published
61 pages
This report describes the organization and capabilities of the data systems of Maryland's Data Services Division (DSD), which enhances public safety through the use of information technology that increases the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal justice operations.
The DSD operates two moderately sized computers. One computer is connected to over 2,380 terminals that are located throughout the State. The second computer supports professional office systems and the system development work of the DSD's programmers and analysts. The systems contain components that process, store, and disseminate information on law enforcement, corrections, criminal histories, parole and probation, and identification. DSD operates 24 hours, 7 days a week and administers a number of major statewide online systems that support over 11,000 users within 188 agencies at the Federal, State, county, and municipal governmental levels. Many terminals are connected to the Public Safety Data Center through computer interfaces. DSD averages approximately 17 million computer transactions per month. This report describes the system components in detail. 3 charts