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Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS): Operational Guidelines

NCJ Number
Date Published
March 2014
44 pages

This guide presents procedures and recommended practices for communities to build an implementation plan for "Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety" (DDACTS), using the principles that characterize comprehensive community-based law enforcement.


DDACTS is a law enforcement operational model supported by collaboration among the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and two agencies of the Department of Justice (the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Justice). DDACTS integrates location-based traffic-crash, crime, dispatch, and enforcement data in targeting places that have concentrations of traffic crashes and crimes. Using DDACTS provides communities the dual benefits of reducing traffic crashes and detecting any offenders/fugitives traveling in cars stopped for traffic violations in high-crime areas. In implementing the DDACTS model, seven guiding principles are used. First, collaborations among law enforcement agencies and local stakeholders provide support for DDACTS objectives. Second, there must be accurate and timely data collection on traffic crashes, crime, calls for service, and enforcement. Third, data analysis must include maps that overlay crash, crime, and enforcement-related data, which enable agencies to identify problem locations for both traffic crashes and crime. Fourth, based on data analysis, agencies must plan the targeting of areas with both high crash and crime rates this guides the deployment of services. Fifth, information sharing and outreach promotes community participation and documents achievements. Sixth, monitoring, evaluation, and adjustments ensure that either intended outcomes are achieved or needed changes are made to improve performance. Seventh, in the course of evaluations and data collection, performance measures must be defined in accordance with data that are related to crashes, crime, and efficiency. Appended framework for mapping technology implementation and 40 references/resources

Sponsoring Agency
US Dept of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Admin

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, West Building, Washington, DC 20590, United States

National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Corporate Author
International Assoc of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST)

6852 4th Street, Sikesville, MD 21784, United States

Sale Source
US Dept of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Admin

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, West Building, Washington, DC 20590, United States

Publication Format
Document (Online)
Publication Type
Instructional Material
United States of America