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Danish Prison and Probation Service 2004

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2005
48 pages
This 2004 annual report presents data from the Danish Prison and Probation Service.
During 2004, operating expenses of the Prison and Probation Service was DKK 1.9 billion. Closed prisons represented the largest expense, with the average daily cost of housing one inmate estimated at DKK 1,640 compared with about DKK 820 in open and local prisons. Occupancy rates have been rising in recent years and in 2004, the total average capacity utilization in the correctional institutions of the Prison and Probation Service reached 96.3 percent. There were approximately 3,767 inmates per day out of a total capacity of 3,913 places to house inmates. The Prison and Probation Service has been offering an increasing array of addiction treatment programs and this trend continued in 2004 with several new contract treatment units available for different types of drug addicts. The treatment capacity for alcohol addiction was also expanded in 2004 and the new intensive Violence Prevention Programme launched its first course of treatment. 2004 also witnessed the creation of an accreditation panel which is charged with determining the criteria and quality standards that will be used for future treatment programs. Other accomplishments in 2004 include the expansion of the drug dog program and tighter measures against biker gang members. Exhibits