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Cyberspace--A New Medium for Communication, Command, and Control by Extremists

NCJ Number
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Dated: July-September 1999 Pages: 231-245
Michael Whine
Date Published
September 1999
15 pages
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are extending the arena within which terrorists and extremists operate.
Among the most active users of ICTs are Islamists and far right extremists whose increasingly networked formats are enhanced by such technologies. ICTs provide these groups with new benefits related to interconnectivity, anonymity, low cost, power enhancement, and new audiences. Islamists and Jihadists are turning to the Interet to recruit and to issue religious injunctions to the worldwide Muslim community. The growth of militias in the United States has also been aided by the Internet. While supremacists and neo-Nazis in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere increasingly see the Internet as the last communication medium free of interference and one they can use to best effect. Although these groups use the Internet to communicate, they are posed to use it for command and control as well. 46 notes