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Cutback Management in the Judicial Branch - Controlling Costs Without Courting Disaster

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1982) Pages: 44-69
H O Lawson; B J Gletne
Date Published
26 pages
This paper examines three areas -- workload shifts, managing basic operating costs, and managing volatile costs -- that offer prospects for more efficient management of decreasing resources for the courts.
To offset workload increases, courts can turn to alternative methods of dispute resolution, transfer some court services to more appropriate government units (i.e., social service agencies), and generate more revenues. To reduce costs for personnel, court operations, travel, capital outlay, and facilities, a checklist is provided, showing issues, possible solutions, and information needs as a ready reference and guide. There are also ways to reduce 'volatile' costs, or those likely to fluctuate considerably (i.e., costs for court-appointed counsel and guardians ad litem, jury expenses, witness fees, etc.). A checklist presents issues under volatile cost, with possible solutions and information needs. Discussion covers specific ways to reduce all three types of costs. About 26 references and footnotes are included.