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Culture Wars: Opposing Viewpoints

NCJ Number
M E Williams
Date Published
208 pages
These 28 excerpts from books, journals, newspapers, and other sources present contrasting perspectives regarding conflicts among religious, political, and secular interests, focusing on the nature of the culture wars, whether the United States culture is in decline, the cultural influences that benefit society, and whether government should regulate cultural values.
The volume aims to challenge readers to question their own opinions and assumptions and to enhance their critical reading and thinking skills. Individual papers present varied opinions on whether the culture wars reflect the polarization of society or are largely rhetorical and on whether Christian fundamentalism or secular confusion provokes cultural conflict. Additional papers argue for and against the opinions that the United States culture has declined, the 1960s damaged United States culture, popular culture contributes to the decline of the United States, and political correctness threatens the country's culture. Further papers focus on whether a belief in God is necessary for a moral society, whether religious conservatism or liberalism should be promoted, and whether multiculturalism benefits society. Other papers argue for and against government protections for women's right to abortion, bilingual education, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Figure, illustrations, discussion questions, index, annotated list of resource organizations, section reference lists, and 44 references


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