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Culturally Competent Police Organisations: National Recruitment and Retention Strategic Framework

NCJ Number
Date Published
37 pages
This report presents the recommendations of a workshop that developed an Australian national strategic framework for effective and efficient police recruitment and retention practices that facilitated the maximizing of skills represented within the culturally, linguistically, and religiously diverse Australia, and which used the value of diversity within the workforce to provide the best service to the community.
This report was developed by the National Working Party on Recruitment and Retention of People from Ethnic Communities at the National Workshop held at Victoria Police "Airlie" Police College in Melbourne in September 2000. The core principle of the strategic framework developed was that Australian police organizations must promote culturally competent organizational environments that facilitated the selection, development, and retention of the best people to serve the whole community. Although the development of culturally competent police organizations requires the consideration of diversity in all aspects of management, specific strategies were presented for the recruitment, training, and retention of people with the cultural skills police organizations needed to meet future challenges. The National Working Party recommended that the Commissioners' Conference reaffirm the commitment of police jurisdictions to the development and maintenance of culturally diverse and inclusive policing organizations. It further advised that to realize the benefits of cultural competence, police jurisdictions must target diverse cultural and linguistic community members for recruitment. A third recommendation was that the Commissioners Conference direct the introduction of corporate strategies to achieve a culturally competent workforce regarding a fully integrated management function; recruitment process; training for workplace preparation in support of diversity; and the development of retention strategies for recruits from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.