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Cultural Competence for Evaluators: A Guide for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Practitioners Working With Ethnic/Racial Communities

NCJ Number
M A Orlandi
Date Published
305 pages
This volume examines the issue of cultural competence for program evaluators as it relates to alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems of African-American, Hispanic, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Asian-Pacific Islander community groups.
The volume functionally integrates two types of competencies for AOD abuse prevention program practitioners, program evaluation competence and cultural competence. The main objective is to enhance the knowledge base and skills of professionals who are responsible for evaluating AOD abuse prevention programs in ethnic/racial community settings. Chapters provide conceptual frameworks and practical suggestions for evaluators who work with different population groups. The first chapter considers the relationships between cultural and health within the context of social science theory, AOD problems as a public health challenge, AOD prevention approaches, and program evaluation as a communication process. The remaining eight chapters contain culture-specific information on what program evaluators need to know when dealing with ethnic/racial groups. References, tables, and figures

Sale Source
NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin (SAMHSA)

1 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857, United States

Publication Type
Policy/Procedure Handbook/Manual
United States of America
DCC. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Cultural Competence Series 1