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Cultural and Political Influences on Police Discretion - The Case of Religion in Israel

NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1983) Pages: 13-23
S Reiser
Date Published
11 pages
This study of the impact of religiosity and religious political parties on the discretionary enforcement of law in Israel.
While a substantial amount of information for the study was obtained from public record sources such as Annual Police Reports, Israeli Government Statistical Abstracts, newspaper files and archives, etc., a more significant source was interviews conducted during the summer and fall of 1982 with current and former police and political officials, academicians, and journalists. These include the Chairperson of the Israeli Association of Civil Rights; the former Inspector-General of the Israel Police Force, Herzl Shafir; the Head of the Police and Prison Division of the Interior Ministry, Ya'akov Markovitz; the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Police Division of the Ministry of Interior, and many others. One conclusion is that the unresolved issue of the role of the tradtional Judaic code in Israeli society directly and indirectly influences the enforcement of law in the state. (Publisher abstract)

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United States of America
*This document is currently unavailable from NCJRS.