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Cuba - The Technocracy of Subversion, Espionage, and Terrorism (From Clandestine Tactics and Technology - A Technical and Background Intelligence Data Service, Volume 2 - See NCJ-77150)

NCJ Number
A L Tarabochia
Date Published
45 pages
The history of guerilla warfare and exported terrorism sponsored by Cuban Marxists is discussed, the Cuban intelligence structure is described, and Cuban terrorist activities in Africa are highlighted.
The Cuban terrorists who seized control of the Government of the island in 1959 were composed of two groups: those who had functioned as more traditional rural guerrillas during the conflict with security forces and those who functioned as urban terrorists. Immediately after the revolution, these groups quickly established an internal security bureaucracy and began exporting their ideology. Initial forays into Latin America were unsuccessful; however, successful insurgency activities were conducted in North Africa. A corollary area of activity was establishing intelligence centers at the United Nations and other diplomatic outposts. The intelligence center established at the United Nations has traditionally been the most active of these outposts and has been responsible for stimulating and guiding terrorist activities in the United States. Cuban interests have also included formation of the Venceremos Brigades for indoctrinating and recruiting American leftists, arranging and coordinating meetings between international terrorists, sponsoring terrorist activities among Puerto Rican Americans, and providing training for terrorists. Cuban failures in urban terrorism led to the introduction of troops into Angola in combat formations, and resulted in a triumph for the ideology of the rural faction of the Cuban leadership. As an announced Cuban objective, increased intervention, subversion, and support for terrorism can be expected in future years - especially in Africa. Photographs, charts, and sample documents are included.