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Cruelty to Animals and Human Violence

NCJ Number
R Lockwood
Date Published
6 pages
This police training document instructs officers in the link between cruelty to animals and aggressive behavior toward humans.
A number of studies have identified a triad of symptoms that show an association between physical abuse by one or both parents, cruelty to animals, and violence toward people. Also, most behavioral science professionals agree that animal abuse is not just a manifestation of a personality flaw in the abuser, but rather a symptom of a deeply disturbed family. Police should be familiar with laws that proscribe cruelty to animals and be aware that reports of slain or injured animals can often uncover a variety of serious crimes including animal fighting, satanic or other cult practices, gang violence, family violence, and other injurious offenses. Police should communicate regularly with animal-control agents, since they may be aware of incidents of cruelty to animals of which the police have not been informed. Police should also play a preventive role as they interact with children at school and in the community. Police can caution children that cruelty toward animals is a serious violation of the law and symptomatic of the need for individual and family help. 8 footnotes and questions and answers on the material


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