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Cross-situational Consistency Among Problem Adolescents - An Application of the Two-factor Model

NCJ Number
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Volume: 36 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1978) Pages: 1054-1059
M B Koretzky; M Kohn; A M Jeger
Date Published
6 pages
A study was conducted to measure cross - situational consistency of the orthogonal dimensions of the two - factor model of social - emotional functioning.
The setting was Hawthorne - Cedar Knolls, a long - term institution for emotionally disturbed and delinquent youth. The subjects were 206 residents of varied ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The subjects were rated by classroom teachers on their social emotional functioning using the short form of the Schaefer Classroom Behavior Inventory. Counselors rated the subjects in the cottage setting using an adapted form of the Schaefer inventory which was reworded to reflect environmental differences. Cross - situational correlations were .52 for the cooperation and compliance versus anger and defiance factor, and .72 for the interest and participation versus apathy and withdrawal factor. Correlations between corresponding factors on the two instruments were large, where correlations between noncorresponding factors were small, suggesting that a trait approach to personality functioning analysis has value, and that individual predispositions are important and must be included in comprehensive examinations of personality. Two notes and 26 references are supplied. (Author abstract modified)