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Cross-Cultural Field Study of Drug Rehabilitation Methodologies in Sweden and the United States (From Drug Abuse: Foundation for a Psychosocial Approach, P 222-237, 1984, Seymour Eiseman, Joseph A Wingard, et al, eds. - See NCJ-169972)

NCJ Number
R D Mann; J Wingard
Date Published
16 pages
This cross-cultural field study of drug rehabilitation methodologies compares trends in Sweden and the United States, delineates basic concepts in therapeutic community methodologies, and provides a conceptual framework for different therapeutic strategies.
Several dimensions of program organization and operation are used to compare Swedish and American therapeutic communities, including age of residents, types of misused drugs, specific services provided, the theoretical framework and administrative structure of programs, staff qualifications, and treatment period. The Synanon organization in the United States bases its program on group interaction and group processes, particularly peer group self-help. A structured living situation is provided for program participants, and attitude and behavior change and group cohesion are emphasized. The Hassela Collective in Sweden offers an alternative to traditional psychology practices and staff do not have extensive psychological training. The Vallmotorp Foundation blends traditional psychotherapy with a residential community model of drug treatment and rehabilitation. 21 references and 1 table