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Critical Issues in Crime and Justice

NCJ Number
A R Roberts
Date Published
353 pages
This book, written for introductory and advanced criminal justice courses, describes the latest policies and program developments in Federal, State, and county criminal justice agencies and addresses changing crime trends associated with violent juveniles, residential burglaries, carjackings, drug dealers, sex offenders, battered women, and corporate criminals.
The book includes a comprehensive examination of critical issues and policy dilemmas in the criminal justice system that face local communities throughout the United States. Each chapter examines the dilemmas confronting police agencies, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, legislators, juvenile justice officials, and probation and correctional administrators. The book is organized in five parts: (1) criminal justice overview; (2) law enforcement; (3) juvenile justice; (4) courts; and (5) correctional systems. Chapters on the criminal justice system deal with on violent crime, crime costs, offender characteristics, criminal justice processing, burglary, sex offenders, and white collar crime. Chapters on law enforcement discuss police education and training, police use of excessive force, community policing, and auto theft. In the third part on juvenile justice, chapters focus on national offense and case disposition trends, inner-city adolescents and drug abuse, and recent developments in programming for high-risk juvenile parolees. Chapters related to courts and corrections look at determinate sentencing, plea bargaining, court responses to battered women, jail overcrowding, prison industries, and changing patterns in parole supervision. References, tables, and figures


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