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Critical Incident Protocol: A Public and Private Partnership

NCJ Number
The Beacon Volume: 3 Issue: 6 Dated: March 2001 Pages: 3-5
Radford W. Jones
Date Published
March 2001
3 pages
A Critical Incident Protocol-A Public and Private Partnership contains processes when the public and private sector partner in the assessment, planning, response, and recovery from manmade or natural disasters.
The Protocol was published in June 2000 but the concept originated in 1998 when a small focus group from the public and private sectors was organized to discuss how well both entities jointly prepared for disasters. The focus group agreed there was a need for a written protocol on the best practices when communities share, coordinate, and manage resources and expertise to resolve a critical incident, including weapons of mass destruction. The following processes are discussed in the Protocol. Sharing private and public available response resources identifies risk assessment, including self and joint assessment. Shortfall is identified and plans are developed to meet the shortfall. Critical incident planning involves the advance understanding of joint resources and responses to risks identified during the assessment process. Emergency response involves an understanding of the incident command system and the importance of the private sector being involved in a unified command systems concept to maximize utilization of resources needed to resolve a disaster. Recovery process begins during and after the response phase and focuses on repair of damage and quick return to normal operations. Mitigation involves the reduction or elimination of risks and must be involved throughout the entire critical incident process. A tabletop exercise by interactive videoconference established the processes described in the Protocol, processes for sharing critical information needed by the public and private sectors, and joint exercises enhancing team building between the two sectors.


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