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Critical Examination of the Causal Link Between Child Abuse and Adult Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization From a Propensity Score Matching Approach

NCJ Number
Women & Criminal Justice Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Dated: July - September 2013 Pages: 167-184
Wesley G. Jennings; Tara N. Richards; Elizabeth A. Tomsich; Angela R. Gover; Rachael A. Powers
Date Published
July 2013
18 pages
This study used a rigorous, quasi-experimental research design to assess the causal effect of experiencing child abuse on adult dating violence perpetration and victimization.
There has been a considerable amount of published research investigating the link between experiencing child abuse and later offending and victimization. Most of the evidence gleaned from these studies demonstrates support for a cycle of violence. However, prior research has overwhelmingly been based on correlational observations. Considering this limitation, the current study uses a rigorous, quasi-experimental research design to assess the causal effect of experiencing child abuse on adult dating violence perpetration and victimization. Relying on data from a large sample of college students and utilizing a propensity score matching approach, the results indicate that the link between child abuse and adult dating violence victimization and perpetration is spurious. Study limitations and implications are discussed. Abstract published by arrangement with Taylor and Francis.