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Critical Analysis of Police Management Education and Training

NCJ Number
American Journal of Police Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Dated: (Fall 1985) Pages: 154-166
R L Tannehill
Date Published
13 pages
This article analyzes a typical police management education/training curriculum, and suggests that students may be overwhelmed and confused by the wide variety of management models, principles, and theories they can be exposed to in management education and training programs, and may be unable to decide which approach is best for a particular police organization.
The author further suggests that the chances for making a correct decision can be greatly increased if the manager/student possesses a working knowledge of scientific theory-based research methods which will enable him/her to conduct or direct research in the work setting to determine which management approach is best suited to his/her organization and to enhance general administrative decision-making ability. Examples of how research in police organizations has been conducted are described, and ways in which in-house research could be conducted along with its possible benefits are discussed. (Publisher abstract)