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Crisis Interventions in Schools: A Systematic Review

NCJ Number
Journal of School Violence Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Dated: February 2021 Pages: 241-260
Rebeccah L Sokol ; Justin Heinze ; Jessica Doan Meg ; Normand Alison Grodzinski ; Naomi Pomerantz ; Briana A Scott ; Maura Gaswirth ; Marc Zimmerman
Date Published
February 2021
20 pages

This systematic review synthesizes research on school-based crisis intervention protocols, descriptions, and evaluations.


The review performed a comprehensive literature search, and 60 studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. It found an overwhelming lack of evaluation studies (n = 3), suggesting that interventions are being administered post-crises without evaluation. The most frequently named crisis intervention model was the Prevent/Prepare, Reaffirm, Evaluate, Provide and Respond, and Examine (PREPaRE) model (n = 6). All evaluation studies in the sample were observational, and most adopted qualitative methods of evaluation. Future studies are needed to evaluate crisis interventions to measure the fidelity, reliability, and effectiveness of such interventions.