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Crisis Intervention - A Handbook for Interveners

NCJ Number
J L Greenstone; S C Leviton
Date Published
194 pages
Written for counselors, teachers, attorneys, and law enforcement personnel, the text discusses special skills and concerns required of professionals who intervene in crisis situations.
Major topics addressed include intervener survival, burnout, anatomy of the crisis situation, team intervention, and maladaptive behavior. Approaches which are used for specific crisis situations, such as suicide attempts, family crises, child abuse, and rape, are detailed. Special topics, including physical crisis, alcoholism, hostage negotiations, and dispute resolution through mediation or through formal criminal justice mechanisms are addressed. Intervener survival, with emphasis on safety, nutrition, relaxation, and stress, is explored. Finally, crisis intervention's professionalization, with accompanying training and certification, is examined. Photographs, figures, tables, and about 75 references are provided.