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Criminology - Crime and Criminality - Third Edition

NCJ Number
M R Haskell; L Yablonsky
Date Published
685 pages
This updated edition presents an accurate and balanced picture of crime in the 1980's. New information is explored under such standard topics as definitions of crime, patterns and forms of crime, the prevalence of certain types of crime, social psychological factors that cause crime, and society's institutional responses to crime.
Specific chapters focus on criminal personality types, situational and career criminals, patterns of violence, the sex offender, and drug abuse and crime. Organized crime, white-collar crime, and political crime are discussed in a section on power-status crime; another section looks at the causal context of crime and delinquency, with new material on the genetic theory of crime and the justice system's attitude toward women. The final section covers new prison statistics, recent developments in corrections, and recent research data on the effectiveness of parole and probation. Figures, footnotes, and name and subject indexes are supplied.


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