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Criminology in Africa

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Dated: (September 1989) Pages: v-x
P E Igbinovia
Date Published
6 pages
The state of the science of crime in Africa is reviewed with comments on criminology as an academic subject, criminological research, and the influence of western criminological ideas.
The author relates the recent origin of African criminology citing its 1952 introduction in Ghana, the founding of the National Institute of Criminology of Egypt in 1955, and the Institute of Criminology of Abidjan in 1969. The development of the science has been slowed by more pressing problems in the newly developed countries. Academic acceptance of criminological research in Africa is not yet firm and Euro-American criminologists dominate the field. The author suggests increased cross-fertilization of ideas between African and western criminologists. 25 references.


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