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Criminal Victimization in the United States, 1987

NCJ Number
K H Shim; M DeBerry
Date Published
138 pages
This report presents information on criminal victimization in the United States during 1987, based on findings from a survey of about 46,000 housing units inhabited by about 93,000 individuals age 12 or older.

The information covers rape, robbery, assault, larceny, burglary, and motor vehicle theft. It details the frequency of each crime, the characteristics of the victims and the offenders, the circumstances surrounding the offenses and their impact, and the pattern of police reporting. Findings show that victimization rates for violent crimes were about 68 percent higher for males than for females. Youths age 12 to 24 had the highest victimization rates for crimes of violence and crimes of theft. Blacks were victims of violent crimes at higher rates than were whites or members of other minority groups. For both violent and personal theft crimes, the rate of victimization was greatest for central city residents, compared with persons living in suburban areas, semirural areas, and rural areas. Inhabitants of the west had the highest victimization rates; those in the northeast, the lowest. People in the midwest had higher rates than those in the south. Data tables and appended methodological information.