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Criminal Victimization Among Primary Care Medical Patients: Prevalence, Incidence, and Physician Usage

NCJ Number
Behavioral Sciences and the Law Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Dated: (Winter 1991) Pages: 85-96
M P Koss; W J Woodruff; P G Koss
Date Published
12 pages
Over 2200 female medical patients responded to a mailed questionnaire regarding the prevalence of criminal victimization among respondents and the extent to which the victims consulted their primary care physicians as a result of their victimization.
The prevalence of crime victimization was 57 percent and the 12-month incidence of violent crime was recorded as 118 per 1000 patients. According to the responses, the rape incidence rate was 15 times higher than that estimated by the National Crime Survey. Post-crime physician usage, calculated by medical chart review, consisted primarily of out-patient physician visits, rather than hospitalization. Increased physician awareness of victimization symptoms and improved clinical procedures could allow primary care providers to be a valuable source of support to crime victims. 4 tables and 25 references (Author abstract modified)