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Criminal Statistics - Sanctions, Imprisonments, 1978

NCJ Number
Date Published
106 pages
In Norway, in 1978, a total of 125,424 criminal cases were sanctioned, including 115,424 misdemeanors.
In 82 percent of the cases including misdemeanors, the principal misdemeanor related to traffic, while in 68 percent of the crime cases, the principal crime type was property crime. A total of 11 percent were crimes of violence, while 2 percent were sexual crimes. In 1978, there were 11,371 new imprisonments in the penal institutions and 479 reimprisonments after escape or default. The report includes 28 tables showing data on sanctions and 5 tables giving data on imprisonments. A description of crimes and a list of publications are appended. (Author summary modified)