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Criminal Statistics: England and Wales 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
229 pages
Statistics in this report address criminal offenses recorded by the 43 police forces in England and Wales as well as offenders dealt with by formal police cautions or criminal court proceedings in these police force areas.
The analysis of major crime trends indicates that the number of notifiable offenses per 100,000 population has risen from 5,460 in 1980 to 8,990 in 1990. The clearance rate has fallen from 40 percent in 1980 to 32 percent in 1990, and the number of offenses recorded per police officer has risen from 21 in 1980 to 34 in 1990. Regarding offenders, one defendant is prosecuted or cautioned for an indictable offense for every 2.2 offenses cleared. The increase between 1980 and 1990 partly reflects the increasing number of offenses cleared where the defendant is dealt with outside of the courts or the formal cautioning procedure. The number of offenders cautioned or convicted for indictable offense per 100,000 population rose from 1,280 in 1980 to 1,310-1,350 between 1981 and 1985, but subsequently fell to 1,070 in 1989 before rising to 1,150 in 1990. The number of offenders sentenced to custody for all offenses per 100,000 population rose from 170 in 1980 to 202 in 1985 but has since fallen to 138 in 1990. The use of custody for indictable offenses rose from 14.6 percent in 1980 to 18.4 percent in 1987 but has since fallen to 14.3 percent in 1990. 46 figures and 149 tables