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Criminal Organizations: Vice, Racketeering, and Politics in an American City

NCJ Number
G W Potter
Date Published
218 pages
The nature and extent of organized crime is examined by means of a detailed analysis of the organization and delivery of illegal goods and services in a city in a mid-Atlantic State, with emphasis on organized crime as a market opportunity created by strong public demand rather than a criminal conspiracy.
The text examines theories of organized crime, research issues involved in studying organized crime, and the methods used in the study of the city given the pseudonym Morrisburg. The analysis concludes that the way we conceptualize and understand organized crime determines the means selected to control it. The available research suggests several new departures in organized crime control policies. Thus, new policies that target the organized aspect of criminal organizations rather than the criminal part should receive attention. These policies would focus on the market and market demand, corruption of public officials and professionals, money laundering, improved intelligence, and the strategic selection of targets for law enforcement efforts. Figures, tables, index, and approximately 200 references

Sale Source
Waveland Press, Inc.

4180 IL Route 83, Suite 101, Long Grove, IL 60047, United States

Publication Type
Issue Overview
United States of America