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Criminal Law Deskbook

NCJ Number
P L McCLoskey; R L Schoenberg
Date Published
940 pages
Designed for criminal attorneys, this book provides them with the knowledge required for effective advocacy at every stage of the criminal justice process.
The book merges the academic with the practical by providing the reader with the relevant body of law as well as extensive checklists to ensure that knowledge is transformed into effective legal representation. After an introduction to the adversary system, the book discusses various stages in the criminal justice process including arraignment, bail, preliminary examination and grand jury, pretrial practice, pretrial suppression hearings, search and seizure, suppression of statements, suppression of identification evidence, motions limiting cross-examination, plea bargaining and the guilty plea, and preparation for trial. The book also covers the order of trial, jury selection, the opening statement, direct and cross-examination, objections to evidence, summation, defenses, and substantive crimes and their elements.


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