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Criminal Justice System - A Guide for Citizens

NCJ Number
S R Stiles
Date Published
49 pages
This basic guide to the criminal justice system briefly explained the three facets -- law enforcement, courts, and corrections -- and describes their operations and key personnel.
Written for nonprofessional support personnel in criminal justice fields, the guide opens with a discussion of the nature of law as the vehicle for defining deviant behavior. The overview of law enforcement focuses primarily on county sheriff's and municipal and county police departments, which have the primary responsibility for local law enforcement. The operations described are patrol, investigation, crime prevention, and crime analysis. The discussion of the judiciary component covers the structure of the Federal and State court systems and operations and key personnel (magistrate, prosecutor, defense attorney, grand jury, judge, petit jury, clerk of the court, bailiff, and court reporter). A brief discussion of community support for the courts focuses on citizen involvement in victim and witness assistance programs. The section on corrections discusses probation, incarceration, parole, pardon, and capital punishment. A glossary of criminal justice terminology is provided, along with 5 references and a bibliography of 23 listings.