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Criminal Justice System of Finland: A General Introduction

NCJ Number
M. Joutsen
Date Published
40 pages
This is an introduction to the Finnish criminal justice system.
This description of the Finnish criminal justice system presents data in the following chapters: (1) Demographic background; (2) Basic structure of Finnish criminal law and the criminal justice system; (3) Fundamental principles of criminal law and procedure; (4) Police; (5) Pretrial investigation and coercive measures in criminal proceedings; (6) Victim-offender reconciliation and prosecution; (7) Court system and court proceedings; (8) Legal counsel; (9) Position of the victim; (10) Appeal; (11) Sentencing and the system of sanctions; (12) Prison system; (13) Parole and after-care of offenders; (14) Reform of the Criminal Code; (15) International cooperation; and (16) Crime and criminal justice in Finland. Notes, table, references, appendix