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Criminal Justice Response to Battered Wives

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1995) Pages: 20-26
M Kochar
Date Published
7 pages
This study used interview data from lawyers, police officers, and victims to examine the nature and extent of wife battering in India and the response of the criminal justice system to the problem of domestic violence.
The findings showed that female victims of domestic abuse are usually less educated, do not work outside of the home, and are often unaware of Indian laws that protect them. The women were usually battered within the first 3 years of marriage, and were often reluctant to seek help. The lawyers interviewed indicated that domestic abuse cases take a long time until disposition, and usually end in divorce. Police officers reported that requirements for collecting evidence are difficult to meet, and in many circumstances they are unable to take any enforcement measures against offenders. 15 references