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Criminal Justice Research Sources, Third Edition

NCJ Number
R L O'Block
Date Published
200 pages
This handbook of criminal justice research sources intends to make criminal justice research less frustrating, more efficient, and more complete.
It has been designed as a major reference text for any criminal justice course that requires outside assignments. It also addresses the importance of information that can be obtained from private and community service agencies. The majority of the sources have been annotated to expedite the literature search. Each chapter includes a descriptive introduction that explains the importance and uses of the particular category of information sources being described. The handbook's format takes students through the steps of a literature search. It begins with a description of the research process and proceeds to the process of collecting original data. Subsequent chapters focus on sources of books, indexing services, journals, general reference sources, bibliographies, directories, computerized literature searches, government documents, statistical data, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, sources of international data, historical research sources, special libraries, and legal research. Glossary