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Criminal Justice Planning and Management Series, Volume 5 Criminal Justice Management Course

NCJ Number
Date Published
569 pages
This volume presents the instructor's guide and participant's guide for the 4-day criminal justice management course sponsored by LEAA and taught at the Criminal Justice Training and Technical Assistance Resource Centers located at five universities.
The course is designed for criminal justice administrators and focuses on their major management responsibilities of planning, organizing, and controlling. The course's four modules cover both the concepts and the application of each of the three management responsibilities. Subject areas include the roles of the criminal justice administrator, situation analysis, behavioral assessment, defining strategic goals, choosing and assessing alternative strategies, conflict resolution, developing implementation plans, cutback management, types of controls, stress management, and successful versus unsuccessful leadership. The instructor's manual presents detailed lecture notes as well as learning activities, including individual desk exercises, group exercises, and a case study involving a hypothetical criminal justice planning agency. Instructions on how to administer each exercise in the case study cover the exercise's goals, the major questions to be addressed by the participants, suggested answers, and suggestions on how the instructor can conduct the exercise in the most beneficial manner. The participant's guide presents the entire course content in expanded outline form. Both guides contain annotated bibliographies for each module, bibliographies of resource books and articles, and exhibits. For the instructor's and participant's guides, see NCJ 79366-67. For related courses on criminal justice, see NCJ 79347-64.