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Criminal Justice Planning and Management Series, Volume 3 Criminal Justice Program Development Course - Participant Guide (From Criminal Justice Planning and Management Series, Volume 3, 1981 - See NCJ-79358)

NCJ Number
Date Published
187 pages
This manual is designed for use by participants in a criminal justice program development course sponsored by LEAA and taught at the Criminal Justice Training and Technical Assistance Resource Centers located at five universities.
The course is directed to persons with program development responsibilities. Each of the course's six modules consists of a lecture and a workshop. For each module, a content outline is provided, along with visual aids and materials and instructions for use in completing course exercises. The first module discusses the concepts of a program and of program development, the general steps in the program development process, decision points, the skills and knowledge needed in program development, and the role of the program developer. In the workshop, students are asked to discuss their agencies' orientations toward program development, to identify barriers to program development, and to consider whether the future in criminal justice planning seems to be generally supportive of program development. The second module focuses on developing an understanding of the problem to be addressed, with particular attention to the concept of a problem statement and assessment of problem statements. Additional modules focus on developing strategic goals, developing the logic of different strategies, planning the details of program strategies, and preparing for implementation and evaluation. Class exercises include written exercises, group discussions, and small group exercises. An appendix presents information on the nominal group technique, a structured group process which follows a prescribed sequence of steps to reach a decision. For the instructor's guide and the course text, see NCJ 79359 and 79361. For related courses on criminal justice planning and decisionmaking, see NCJ 79347-57 and 79362-67.