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Criminal Justice Planning and Management Series, Volume 1 Criminal Justice Planning Course - Instructor Guide (From Criminal Justice Planning and Management Series, Volume 1, 1981 - See NCJ-79350)

NCJ Number
H G Weisman
Date Published
359 pages
This manual presents guidelines and course materials for use by instructors of the criminal justice planning course sponsored by LEAA and taught at the Criminal Justice Training and Technical Assistance Resource Centers located at five universities.
The course contains nine modules, beginning with an introduction and overview of the criminal justice planning experience and continuing with a discussion of the planning process and alternative approaches. Other modules present a systems approach to analyzing the present situation, an introduction to forecasting, problem identification and analysis, setting goals and objectives, developing programs and projects, preparing for evaluation, and plan implementation. On each page, one column presents the material displayed in the participants' guide. An adjacent column provides narrative content which expands on the information presented to participants, instructions for supplementary exercises, answers to some of the exercises, suggested additional visual aids, and teaching suggestions. Objectives for each module are listed at the beginning of the module. Class exercises include both written exercises and discussions and the use of the Delphi technique for building consensus. A bibliography lists about 200 references grouped by course modules. For the participant's guide and the major course exercise materials, see NCJ 79351 and 79353. For related courses on criminal justice, see NCJ 79347-49 and 79354-67.