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Criminal Justice Facilities

NCJ Number
Date Published
65 pages
This manual describes the criminal justice facility planning, architectural, and engineering services offered by Rosser White Hobbs Davidson McClellan Kelly, Inc., including general advice on planning criminal justice facilities and information on how to plan and build a juvenile detention center.
After outlining the planning, architectural, and engineering services offered by the firm, the manual describes the functions of architectural programming, master planning for a facilities design project, physical security planning, and the review process. A discussion of criminal justice facility engineering focuses on mechanical systems, electrical systems, electronic security systems, and site design. Thirty-four projects completed by the firm throughout the country are briefly described, followed by advice on planning and building a juvenile detention center. Information on the detention center encompasses the required services and tasks of a typical facility feasibility study. This includes the phases of data collection and analysis, master space programming, and design. The concluding section of the manual presents the resumes of the firm's staff.