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Criminal Justice Commission Annual Report Summary 1995-96

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
This report describes the activities during 1995-96 of the Criminal Justice Commission established in Queensland, Australia in 1989 to monitor, review, coordinate, and initiate reform of the administration of criminal justice in Queensland.
During the year the commission published 10 papers on policing issues and another 3 papers on criminal justice matters, participated in beat policing initiatives with the Queensland Police Service and prepared a training resource kit for beat officers, and caused 234 people to be charged as the result of misconduct investigations. The commission also conducted an extensive investigation into large-scale marijuana production in North Queensland, conducted threat assessments and risk analyses on 134 people in 56 witness protection operations, provided support and witness protection to 202 people in 79 operations, conducted 189 relocations of witnesses and their families, and assisted 25 agencies in minimizing their exposure to corruption. It also took part in three nationally coordinated intelligence operations and two national strategic intelligence courses, disseminated criminal intelligence to other law enforcement agencies on 496 occasions, and caused 24 people to be charged as the result of organized crime investigations. Table and photograph