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Criminal Justice and Probation in the 1980's

NCJ Number
Probation Journal Dated: (September 1983) Pages: 83-88
B Jordan
Date Published
6 pages
This article presents an analysis of the effects of Great Britain's Criminal Justice Act of 1982 on probation.
The central role of punishment in the British criminal justice system is outlined. Arguments that probation must include more elements of containment to appear credible in the current system and that it must adhere to its traditional social work role are examined critically. The Criminal Justice Act is described as a political compromise that does not force probation to move in any particular direction but that does require greater monitoring and surveillance of clients. The Probation Service is advised to focus its efforts on the least unworkable and least restrictive sections of the act and use them positively. Probationers should not be encumbered with conditions. Section 4(b) of the act should be used constructively and flexibly so as to divert offenders from custody. Seven footnotes are included.


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