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Criminal Justice Analysis - Major Exercise Task 6

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
Part of the major exercise of the Criminal Justice Analysis Course, this videotape presents task 6, in which three groups of students give oral presentations to a review panel.
The purpose of the major exercise is to apply skills acquired during the course. While the focus is on the development of a problem statement, all phases of decisionmaking are addressed: planning, program development, management, and evaluation. The exercise is divided into six tasks: specifying the problem, assessing hypotheses, interpreting data, preparing a portfolio, preparing a briefing, and making presentations. Each presentation focuses on a particular aspect of the crime problem in 'Chaos City.' One is concerned with crime prevention, one with the attrition rate of cases, and one with media allegations that a major crime wave exists in the city. Each presentation consists of a 15-minute briefing of the problem statement the group selected, graphic and tabular data which the group has statistically analyzed, and recommendations. Each presentation is given by one member of the group. The review panel discusses each presentation, highlighting the analysis process, substantive problems, and the strengths in each group's work. Students are given the opportunity to ask questions and offer comments. For the instructor's guide, see NCJ 81170. For other videotaped sessions see NCJ 81171-80, 81182, and 81186.


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