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Criminal Justice Analysis - Introduction and Overview

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
Individuals participating in a seminar at the Criminal Justice Training Center at Washburn University in Topeka, Kans., are given a preview of the week-long Criminal Justice Analysis course, which is intended to assist them in using the best available data, analytic techniques, and problem-solving methods for data analysis.
In this videotape the chairman of the criminal justice department at Washburn welcomes participants to the seminar and briefly discusses the development of the course. Participants are introduced to the coursebook they will be using and are told that it outlines the material in the seminar and to use it to take notes. Living and travel arrangements are then explained, and participants present brief biographical sketches of fellow students after a get-acquainted period. See NCJ 81170 for the instructor's guide to this course and NCJ 81172-82 and 81186 for videotapes of classroom sessions.