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Criminal Justice Act - Hearings Before the House Subcommittee on Courts Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice, June 30 and July 14, 1983

NCJ Number
Date Published
331 pages
These hearings led to increasing the compensation for attorneys representing indigent persons in Federal criminal cases and related matters.
Section 3006A of Title 18, United States Code, Part II, Chapter 201 -- General Provisions, was changed. Subsection (d) raised compensation for an appointed attorney for time expended in court or before a U.S. magistrate from $30 to $60 an hour. Time reasonably expended out of court was raised from $20 to $40 an hour. The compensation to an attorney or bar association or legal aid agency for representing a defendant before the U.S. magistrate or the district court or both was raised from $1,000 to $2,000 for each attorney in a felony charge and from $400 to $800 for each attorney in a misdemeanor charge. For representation in connection with a posttrial motion made after entry of judgment or a probation revocation proceeding, compensation for each attorney in each proceeding in each court was changed from $250 to $500. Appended legislative materials, statements, and letters; chart listing compensation fees.