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Criminal Investigator's Guide

NCJ Number
S T Kernes; L L Kuehn
Date Published
162 pages
This handbook is intended for use during criminal investigations and provides checklists for ready reference and to ensure an orderly investigation.
The manual assumes basic law enforcement knowledge and focuses on the specific investigative steps required by the circumstances and evidence characteristics of certain crimes. Thirteen checklists cover the steps required for investigating Part I and Part II offenses. Each checklist begins with a definition of the crime, its elements, penalties, and the legal foundation for the investigation. The information is usable in any legal jurisdiction. Each discussion of a specific crime contains a list of associated crimes. The investigative steps for each crime are grouped into required actions and optional and followup actions. Additional checklists cover situations such as public intoxication, hostage situations, unprovoked animal bites, the transportation of prisoners, and relations with the media. An actual case history of a successfully prosecuted manslaughter case is provided to show the completed forms, reports, statements, teletypes, and investigative materials. The case shows how to build a file from the beginning to the end of the investigation. An index and glossary are included.