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Criminal Investigation - Second Edition

NCJ Number
C R Swanson; N C Chamelin; L Territo
Date Published
528 pages
The rational scientific approach to criminal investigation is presented, including discussions of general aspects of criminal investigation, attention to the investigation of specific crimes, and implications of the investigation for arrest and prosecution.
The importance of investigation, essential qualities of the investigator, and the organization of the investigative function are discussed in the opening chapter on crime and its investigation. Other chapters on general aspects of crime investigation treat the crime scene and associated procedures, physical evidence, interviews, field notes and reporting, latent investigation, interrogation, and the crime laboratory. Chapters are devoted to the criminal investigation of each of the following types of offenses and incidents: injury and death, sex-related offenses, robbery, burglary, larceny, agricultural crime (farm equipment theft, grain theft, cattle rustling, pesticide theft, etc.), arson, and drug abuse. The decision to initiate the criminal process, evidence rules, the investigator as witness, and behavioral science in criminal investigation are also chapter topics. Each chapter concludes with review questions for the reader. Notes and illustrative photographs are provided as well. Forty-two annotations are provided on periodical literature related to criminal investigation, and a subject index is included.