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Criminal Interrogation

NCJ Number
J M Macdonald; D L Michaud
Date Published
232 pages
This practical guide to criminal interrogation for patrolmen and patrolwomen addresses the questioning of witnesses and the usefulness of criminal profiles.
The guide lists routine questions that might be of value in police interrogation and provides criminal profiles of murderers, rapists, arsonists, and other offenders to help police officers know the questions to ask and how best to ask them. Basic techniques of interviewing must be kept in mind at all times: ask one question at a time and be sure the question has been answered; make the questions clear; ask specific and general questions; choose words carefully; catch the suspect by surprise; vary the approach; rephrase questions; try indirect questions; avoid questions that can be answered yes or no; cautiously use leading questions; and confront the suspect. Two final chapters identify the special circumstances to keep in mind when interrogating members of gangs, cults, and terrorist groups and the key objectives and questions to ask in interviews with police applicants. 40 references