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Criminal Court Statistics - Final Report, 1978

NCJ Number
Date Published
108 pages
This collection of data tables presents statistics on trial results and sentences received for various types of offenses resulting in trials in some courts of criminal and superior jurisdiction in Quebec and British Columbia and all courts in the Yukon and Northwest Territories in Canada during 1978.
Six different dispositions were considered: conviction; withdrawal; stay of proceeding; acquittal; discharge; and other outcomes as transfer, hung jury, pardon, mistrial, and detention for lunacy. The sentences considered were court orders, fines, probation, and imprisonment. The most frequent offenses in British Columbia were driving under the influence of alcohol and impaired driving; over 50 percent of these charges resulted in coviction, and few received a discharge in lieu of conviction. Quebec's most frequently reported offenses included driving under the influence of alcohol, theft, and impaired driving; the first two had extremely high conviction rates, while impaired driving showed a higher percentage of charges withdrawn than convictions. The three most prevalent crimes in the Yukon Territory were breaking and entering, possession of narcotics, and theft; all experienced high conviction rates. The Northwest Territories showed a high number of charges for breaking and entering and possesion of narcotics; the conviction rates for these offenses were high. Sample data collection forms used by the different Provinces and Territories included in appendixes. Offense Sections included in the Offense Grouping in tables are also listed in an appendix.