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Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment: Strategies for Self-Improvement and Change; The Provider's Guide

NCJ Number
K. W. Wanberg; H. B. Milkman
Date Published
565 pages
This manual provides a standardized, structured, and well- defined approach to the treatment of substance-abusing offenders (SAOs), based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).
Section I provides a theoretical and empirical justification for integrating CBT for the individual dually affected by substance abuse and criminal conduct. It also provides an understanding of the theory of self-improvement and change and addresses concerns about the impact of diversity on treatment implementation. Section II provides the philosophical and conceptual framework and treatment structure of the program; outlines the traits and characteristics of the effective SAO service-delivery provider; provides the rationale, methods, and approaches for screening clients into the program; and presents the operational procedures and methods of the program. Section II presents the treatment curriculum. Phase I, "Challenge to Change," consists of six treatment modules with 18 2-hour group sessions to be held over a period of 9 weeks. The completion of this phase and admission into Phase II will depend on the client's response to the program. Phase II, "Commitment to Change," involves three modules that are composed of 22 sessions to be held once a week or a period of 6 months. Phase III, "Taking Ownership of Change," is the maintenance and aftercare component of the program and involves three modules that last 2 months. The Individualized Treatment Protocol provides guidelines for individualized treatment plans determined through the differential assessment process. A separate Participant's Workbook provides in-session skill-development exercises and homework assignments designed to complement each session plan. Although designed for outpatient use, this curriculum can also be modified for use in correctional institutions. 554 references, 39 figures, 24 tables, and appended client screening, assessment, and outcome evaluation instruments, as well as admission, intake, and session evaluation forms