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Criminal Code Reform Act of 1979: Report of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary to Accompany S. 1722

NCJ Number
Date Published
1518 pages
This report of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary accompanies S. 1722, reporting favorably thereon and discussing the provisions of each section of the bill as amended by the Committee.
In this report, the Committee advises that the time has come to create, "for the first time since the founding of our Nation, a systematic, consistent, and comprehensive Federal criminal code to replace the hodge-podge that now exists." The bill, as reported, is designed to fulfill this purpose. The Committee is convinced that the bill, as reported, will be a rational, integrated code that is both workable and responsive to the demands of America's highly complex society. The bill is divided into seven titles. Title I would amend title 18 of the U.S. Code by replacing it with a new Code. Title I is the heart of the bill and consists of a thorough revision of substantive Federal criminal law and its codification into an integrated Federal Criminal Code, and a reorganization and revision of the administrative and procedural sections in current title 18 of the U.S. Code. Titles II and III of the bill consist of amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and to title 28 of the U.S. Code, respectively. Title IV contains general provisions, including those that deal with severability and the effective date of the legislation. Titles V, VI, and VII are conforming amendments that preserve certain provisions of current title 18 in other places in the U.S. Code and conforming nontitle 18 titles to the new Criminal Code.