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Criminal Activity at Different Ages: A Study Based on a Swedish Longitudinal Research Population

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 29 Issue: 4 Dated: (Autumn 1989) Pages: 368-385
H Stattin; D Magnusson; H Reichel
Date Published
18 pages
With offence data collected from official records, this longitudinal research study provides basic information about criminal activity at different ages from a representative group of Swedish males and females who were investigated from the ages of 10 to 30.
How criminal behaviour develops in individuals is detailed with basic information about the subject population studied, the method by which crime records were collected, and the coding system used. Analysis of the ages at which subjects usually began breaking the law is reviewed, together with prevalence of criminal offences at different ages, the periods when they were most criminally active, what types of crimes they committed at different ages, and what type of sanctions were applied. The prevalence of crime is discussed in conclusion. 11 tables, 15 references. (Author abstract modified)