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Crime in West Virginia, 1980 - Uniform Crime Reports - Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
207 pages
These statistics on crime in West Virginia during 1980 were compiled under the State's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program.
The UCR Program is described and its procedures delineated. Tables, which form the bulk of the report, include data on offenses committed in the State, on arrests made, on police employees, and on arson offenses. Offense and arrest data are also given for counties and municipalities in the State. Statistics indicate that 48,425 Index offenses were reported for 1980, and that August saw the highest number of Index offenses (4,603). The total dollar value of property stolen was $32,722,898, of which $12,249,572 was recovered. A total of 11,451 Index offenses were cleared by arrest or exceptional clearance, a clearance rate of 23.6 percent. Of those arrested for Index offenses, 9,279 were males; 2,897 were under age 18; and 9,797 were white. Graphs, a map, and a glossary of terms are included.