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Crime Victimization in South Dakota 1976

NCJ Number
Date Published
126 pages
A summary analysis of data from the 1976 South Dakota Crime Victimization Survey is presented.
Data were obtained from responses of 3,475 persons to a questionnaire booklet mailed to about 5,000 South Dakota residents over 17 years old. The sample was distributed in proportion to the population size in each planning district and urban and rural areas within each district. The crimes covered were sexual assault, robbery, assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, other theft, and vandalism. Discussion of these crimes is limited to residential and personal crimes. Statewide, vandalism was the most frequent property crime, and motor vehicle theft was the least frequent property crime. Assault was the most frequent personal crime, and sexual assault and robbery were the least frequent. Vandalism accounted for 37 percent of all residential and personal crime, followed by theft (26 percent), burglary (16 percent), and assault (14 percent). Sexual assault, robbery, and motor vehicle theft each contributed less than 3 percent of the total crimes surveyed. Details on each crime are presented. Tables, figures, and maps are supplied.